Monday, August 17, 2009

Inspired by...

These days, I'm deeply inspired by my garden and all the delightful things I've managed (surprisingly!) to grow along with my co-gardeners. Those would be my preschool-aged daughters, who love to water (or over-water!) our crops and who get ridiculously excited about harvesting. You should have seen the excitement over the ceremonial picking of our first cucumber this morning at 7:30 AM. I've also been really inspired by the contents of our organically grown crop-share box that we get from a local farm each week. I've discovered veggies I never even knew about, like these heirloom "dragon tongue beans." Sautée with garlic and oil for an absolutely heavenly experience! And I've been forced to be more creative with my cooking. The creativity doesn't stop there though. In these veggies, I've found new color combos, shapes, and textures that I've been recording for artistic purposes. I can't wait to begin experimenting with them this fall and I've already been thinking of ways to incorporate some of these new ideas into my designs.

It might seem odd, wedding invitations inspired by summer's vegetable bounty, but it's these types of connections that I find spur the most interesting and fresh ideas for me. I love looking at bridal mags and trends, and while I never discourage a bride from doing the same, I strongly encourage couples to explore a wide range of resources. Why settle for a wedding invitation inspired by another wedding invitation, when you can have something truly unique and inspired by YOU, the connections you've made, the things you love? Look beyond the "typical" and allow yourself to be inspired by more than just "wedding ideas."

For those brides or planners out there, what decidedly non-wedding thing, place, or theme has inspired you? Fellow creatives, what randomness has been inspiring you these days? I'm dying to know! I on the other hand, need to get down to work, creating some dragon tongue-esque invites!!


Anna said...

What a lovely post. So nice that your little girls are learning about growing vegetables at a young age, I love it!

I'm most inspired lately by the colors and various creatures of summer. Dragonflies, birds, flowers... And the vegetables, yes! Though I don't have a garden, I'm loving seeing what pops up at the farmer's market each week - the colors are incredible!

The photo of the beans is beautiful. I've seen them before and never knew what they were.

Kathy Campbell said...

It's so amazing what can be inspiring! For myself, I've been inspired lately by the weather and also other people's designs. I've found some amazing designers recently and it's been amazing!

Thao said...

I just tasted these for the first time a few weeks ago! They're beautiful and yummy.

logo design said...

your article truly inspire me, through this wedding ideas i could be the happiest person in the world.