Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Babies need Stationery?

Bride Design Children's Stationery
Originally uploaded by bridedesign
That question was my husband's response a few years ago when I started getting lots of requests for personalized baby and children's stationery. Do kids NEED stationery? Well maybe not quite like they need naps, or recess, or milk! But does kid's stationery come in handy? It sure does. I love giving baby stationery to new Moms complete with the name of their new arrival and a little icon/illustration reflecting the baby's budding personality or the theme of the child's nursery. In my own experience I've found these cards are perfect for the many thank you notes I had to write for welcome home and baptism gifts, as well as for 1st birthday presents! Older kids who are just starting to write love to chose the color of their note cards, as well as an icon that suits them. Animals, princess crowns, fairy wands, trains, soccer balls, baby rattles, and flowers are just a few popular choices. Children truly enjoy sending off their note or card to grandparents and far away friends. As far as I'm concerned, it's never to early to start cultivating a love for the art of letter writing!

Bride Design also offers correspondence cards for grown-ups too! For business owners I can customize the cards to include your logo. They're perfect for tucking a note into an order or to network with industry colleagues. Sets can be ordered in a variety of colors and quantities, for more information email Erin at admin@bridedesign.com today!